Напоминая о наследии, вдохновленном концепцией камуфляжа, значок Stone Island предстает в монохромном варианте. Он будет отлично сочетаться с одеждой бежевого, синего, зеленого и черного цветов.
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100 Products
Nylon Smerigliato is made from a special tela whose composition and brushing treatment create a soft and comfortable feel similar to that of cotton, while retaining the durability and resistance of nylon fibres. The selection includes a fishtail parka and quilted coach jacket that are available exclusively on the Stone Island website.COTTON EXPLORATIONS
Knitwear pieces in Cotton Cashmere feature a distinctive reverse stocking stitch, lending softness and subtle depth to the material's surface, while outerwear crafted from Weatherproof Cotton Canvas, woven from premium fibres, provides a natural barrier against the elements.