Stone Island continua a esplorare le sottoculture di cui si compone la sua community globale, dedicando il nuovo capitolo all’artista Sam Gellaitry che, immortalato per la campagna Primavera_Estate '025 con la giacca con cappuccio 4100081 3L Gore-Tex Made with BIONIC Polyester Face_Stone Island Stellina, parla del suo film preferito, della sua definizione di energia e di ciò per cui vorrebbe essere ricordato.
Giacca con cappuccio in 3L Gore-Tex riciclato. La superficie in poliestere BIONIC, rivestita con una membrana in Gore-Tex ad alte prestazioni traspirante, impermeabile e antivento, presenta una rete di protezione interna in poliestere tinto in soluzione prima dell'estrusione del filato. Il capo, dalle cuciture termonastrate, è trattato con agente antigoccia senza PFC.
Concepito come forma di ricerca, il progetto indaga quei tratti che fanno unica la community del brand. La narrazione si arricchisce di una serie di domande pensate appositamente per i volti ritratti.
Question 09 of 100
What music are you listening to?
There’s a guy called Len I really like. Mk.gee as well. I go back to things, too, because it’s like a portal into the past.
Question 10 of 100
What is your favourite movie?
A recent one is Cinema Paradiso.
Question 12 of 100
What is energy?
Vibration and speed.
Question 16 of 100
What achievements of yours are you especially proud of?
There’s too many.
Question 17 of 100
What is the first thing you do when you wake up?
Check my phone.
Question 19 of 100
What are you reading?
I’ve never read a book by choice.
Question 23 of 100
What is still a mystery to you?
Loads of things. I recently found out there are two islands, in Alaska and Russia, that are twenty hours apart but right next to each other. I don’t understand that.
Question 24 of 100
What do you want to be remembered for?
Bringing joy to people’s lives.
Question 25 of 100
What do you belong to?
I don’t know. Next. God, I guess.
Question 29 of 100
What is your favourite time of day?
7pm. I like the build-up to the evening.
Question 30 of 100
What is your favourite temperature?
23 degrees Celsius, with a breeze.
Question 31 of 100
What is your preferred mode of transport?
Definitely the train. I make a lot of music on the train and go up to Scotland on the train quite often. It takes five hours, so I have to like it.
Question 41 of 100
What’s the most impressive landscape you’ve ever seen?
The Old Man of Storr on the Isle of Skye. It’s like a video game which doesn’t exist.
Question 45 of 100
Would you rather rise early or stay up late? Or both?
I’d like to rise early, but it never happens, so I’d better say stay up late.
Question 49 of 100
What’s more essential, together time or alone time? Or both?
Life is to be shared.
Question 68 of 100
What did you learn from your grandparents and/or parents?
To be generous and kind, but also to be held accountable. I learned a lot from my family.
Question 72 of 100
Are you a city or country person? Or both?
This is tough. I live in the city, but was raised in the country. I think the blend of the two is perfect.
Question 81 of 100
What gives you hope?
The majority of things I used to worry and feel anxious about are in the past, and they don't make me feel worried anymore. They’re a reminder that everything will subside.
Question 85 of 100
What is the technology that has most improved your life?
FL Studio.