Stone Island continua a esplorare le sottoculture di cui si compone la sua community globale, dedicando questo nuovo capitolo al regista e docente NYU Spike Lee che, immortalato nella giacca 4100038 Metal Cover per la campagna Primavera_Estate '025, racconta degli artisti che sono per lui una fonte di ispirazione, della sua visione del futuro e di come si schiarisce le idee.
Un materiale che vede la tela di nylon intangibile monofilamento fare da supporto al film di poliuretano metallizzato color argento. Il processo di tintura in capo colora la tela e dona all’argento del rivestimento esterno sfumature intense, esaltate dall’inconfondibile aspetto increspato.
Concepito come forma di ricerca, il progetto indaga quei tratti che fanno unica la community del brand. La narrazione si arricchisce di una serie di domande pensate appositamente per i volti ritratti.
Question 01 of 100
Who are the artists who inspire you?
That’s a long list, but I’m gonna put my father, great composer, great jazz bassist, Bill Lee, at the front.
Question 07 of 100
What is your unrealised project?
“Save Us, Joe Louis.” It’s a project I co-wrote with Budd Schulberg about the friendship between Joe Louis and Max Schmeling.
Question 14 of 100
The future is…?
Peace around the world, because there's some things happening here that just ain't right.
Question 16 of 100
What achievements of yours are you especially proud of?
My daughter Satchel and my son Jackson.
Question 18 of 100
What is the last thing you do before you go to sleep?
I say my prayers.
Question 19 of 100
What are you reading?
One of the greatest baseball players ever, Willie Mays, recently passed away. I’m re-reading his biographies.
Question 21 of 100
What do you collect?
I’ve got a signed jersey by Pelé, a giant ANC flag signed by Mandela, Prince’s white guitar.
Question 28 of 100
What is your favourite season?
“Do the Right Thing” takes place in a very, very hot New York summer.
Question 32 of 100
What’s the most remote place you have visited?
I’m not gonna say “remote.” But one of my favourites was watching the sun rise over the Sphinx in Cairo with Denzel Washington when we were filming “Malcolm X.”
Question 37 of 100
What’s your favourite colour?
Orange and blue.
Question 45 of 100
Would you rather rise early or stay up late? Or both?
I always get up at 5am. Even growing up, when my friends were hanging out until three or four in the morning, I went to bed.
Question 46 of 100
What languages can you understand?
English and another form of English. It’s called “Brooklyn-ese”.
Question 50 of 100
How do you clear your mind?
Madison Square Garden, courtside, rooting for my team.
Question 54 of 100
Name a book, film, podcast, or video game that changed your life?
I read it in 7th grade: "The Autobiography of Malcolm X” as told by Alex Haley.
Question 73 of 100
Where do you do your best work?
I can work everywhere, in fact a lot of work I usually do on a plane.