Stone Island continua a esplorare le sottoculture di cui si compone la sua community globale, dedicando questo nuovo capitolo al giocatore di basket professionista Jalen Green che, ritratto per la campagna Primavera_Estate '025 con indosso la giacca 4100062 Mussola Gommata-TC e il gilet G100006 Membrana 3L TC, racconta cosa lo ispira, qual è il modo migliore per vincere la paura e cosa significa per lui prendersi cura di sé.
Nella campagna Jalen Green indossa la giacca 4100062 Mussola Gommata-TC, in un tessuto esclusivo creato laminando la leggerissima mussola di cotone su un film trasparente di poliuretano, rendendolo così resistente all’acqua e al vento. Indossa anche il gilet G100006 Membrana 3L TC in un leggero tessuto tecnico a tre strati realizzato con una superficie esterna in nylon opaco laminato su una membrana traspirante e resistente all’acqua, protetta da un’impercettibile base in poliestere.
Concepito come forma di ricerca, il progetto indaga quei tratti che fanno unica la community del brand. La narrazione si arricchisce di una serie di domande pensate appositamente per i volti ritratti.
Question 06 of 100
What couldn't you live without?
My family.
Question 09 of 100
What music are you listening to?
I’m listening to hip hop.
Question 10 of 100
What is your favourite movie?
Question 15 of 100
What is time?
Time is opportunity.
Question 20 of 100
Who are your inspirations?
My mom and my daughter.
Question 28 of 100
What is your favourite season?
I like to wear layers, so I’ll go with winter.
Question 45 of 100
Would you rather rise early or stay up late? Or both?
Both. I like to get up early and get my workouts in. But then I can’t really go to sleep on a regular schedule.
Question 50 of 100
How do you clear your mind?
I go outside with my dogs Rocket and Four.
Question 51 of 100
What’s something you recently discovered about yourself?
I really like sushi.
Question 55 of 100
Who is the smartest person you know?
I’d say my best friend Zeus. I think he’s pretty smart.
Question 56 of 100
What’s the best way to go beyond fear?
Go straight at it.
Question 60 of 100
Which colour makes you feel energised?
Yellow. It’s a bright, exciting colour.
Question 64 of 100
How many meals do you eat per day?
On a good day, four.
Question 70 of 100
What type of movies do you like?
I like horror movies.
Question 88 of 100
Who or what do you turn to in a crisis?
I turn to myself. There’s always time to figure something out.
Question 92 of 100
What is self-care to you?
A day where I get my nails done, get a facial, get a massage and eat some good meals.
Question 93 of 100
What historical moment would you like to have seen?
Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech.
Question 94 of 100
Do you collect anything?
I got a lot of shoes.
Question 100 of 100
How do you celebrate your birthday?
A really nice dinner and wine with family and close friends.